Episode 15: Junius Johnson on Teaching Music
Jesse speaks with Dr. Junius Johnson about a forthcoming new course on ClassicalU about music education. Dr. Johnson’s love and knowledge regarding classical music (including his professional experience playing the French...
Episode 39: Education for the Next Life
In this episode, Dr. Perrin traces that part of the Christian tradition of education that regarded education as a preparation not only for one’s earthly life but ultimately for...
Episode 14: Disability and Classical Education with Dr. Amy Richards
Jesse speaks with Dr. Amy Richards about her all-new course entitled Disability and Classical Education: Student Formation in Keeping with Our Common Humanity and her forthcoming book with us on this...
Episode 38: Repetition Is the Mother of Memory: The Permanent Learning of Petition
In this episode, Dr. Perrin describes the pedagogical maximum of Repetitio Mater Memoriae, noting that repetition can be a delightful activity of seeking and experiencing the same good thing again and...
Episode 37: Multum non Multa: The Pedagogical Principle of Going Deep
In this episode, Dr. Perrin describes the ways that teaching a few things deeply and well accelerates learning much better than by superficially covering or skimming over content.
Episode 13: Chatting with Junius Johnson about God and Time
As Junius Johnson was recording three forthcoming new courses for ClassicalU.com about Augustine, medieval history, and music, Jesse Hake recorded this conversation with him about God and time in theology and...
Episode 36: Festina Lente (Make Haste Slowly): The Pedagogical Maxim of Mastering Each Step
In this episode, Dr. Perrin retrieves and describes one of the most essential pedagogical principles every teacher should employ–the art of going farther and faster by going slower.
Episode 35: John Henry Newman and True Education
What is an educated mind? Newman says the mature mind “discerns the end in every beginning, the origin in every end, the law in every interruption, the limit in...
Episode 12: Danielle Bennette Dukes and Teaching with a Golden Thread
Danielle Bennette Dukes reflects on her course Teaching with a Golden Thread and shares about ideas for a retreat in New Orleans with a small number of educators seeking...
Episode 11: Introducing our Women in the Liberal Arts Tradition course with Brian Williams
Brian Williams (Dean of the Templeton Honors College as well as the College of Arts & Humanities at Eastern University, and General Editor of Principia: A Journal of Classical...
Episode 15: Training Teachers for Rafiki Schools
In this episode, Karen speaks with Becky and Richard, graduates from Rafiki’s teacher training college and current teachers at the Rafiki School in Uganda.
Episode 10: Introducing our Women in the Liberal Arts Tradition course with Joelle Hodge
Joelle Hodge (author and Classical Academic Press executive leader) shares with Jesse Hake about the forthcoming ClassicalU course “Women in the Liberal Arts Tradition” that will be available for graduate...