Podcast: Christopher Perrin Show

Episode 41: Scholé over Schooling: Learning to be Mary in a Society of Martha

In this episode, Dr. Perrin discusses the difficulty and the importance of keeping with classical learning throughout the entirety of a student’s education, and of finding times to be wisdom-seeking Mary in a society that expects everyone to be always-busy Martha.

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Episode 40: The Best Teacher is a Good Book

In this episode Dr. Perrin considers this traditional maxim. Can authors and their books become meaningful teachers and even life-long friends? What is the link between an author and authority? Do we still need living teachers if we have really good books?

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Episode 39: Education for the Next Life

In this episode, Dr. Perrin traces that part of the Christian tradition of education that regarded education as a preparation not only for one’s earthly life but ultimately for the next, heavenly life. Can such a heavenly focus be of real, earthly merit? The tradition says yes. 

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Episode 38: Repetition Is the Mother of Memory: The Permanent Learning of Petition

In this episode, Dr. Perrin describes the pedagogical maximum of Repetitio Mater Memoriae, noting that repetition can be a delightful activity of seeking and experiencing the same good thing again and again until it is permanently possessed.

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Episode 37: Multum non Multa: The Pedagogical Principle of Going Deep

In this episode, Dr. Perrin describes the ways that teaching a few things deeply and well accelerates learning much better than by superficially covering or skimming over content. 

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Episode 36: Festina Lente (Make Haste Slowly): The Pedagogical Maxim of Mastering Each Step

In this episode, Dr. Perrin retrieves and describes one of the most essential pedagogical principles every teacher should employ–the art of going farther and faster by going slower. 

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Episode 35: John Henry Newman and True Education

What is an educated mind? Newman says the mature mind “discerns the end in every beginning, the origin in every end, the law in every interruption, the limit in each delay; because it ever knows where it stands, and how its path lies from one point to another.” In this episode, Dr. Perrin summarizes Newman…

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Episode 34: Cutting School: Why Classical Schools Fragment Education and Turn Learning into Subjects

In this episode, Dr. Perrin laments the ways that classical schools, like progressives schools, regularly “cut up” the curriculum into too many disconnected fragments that become “subjects.”

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Episode 33: Piling It On: Why Classical Schools Have Too Many Periods and Teach Too Many Subjects

In this episode, Dr. Perrin explains the why classical schools still retain elements of their progressive counterparts and simply try to teach too much. Subscribe to our episode release email list to be notified when a new episode is released!

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Episode 32: Friendship and Community in Education (Featuring Davies Owens)

In this episode, Davies Owens (from Basecamp Live) and I co-host the podcast and talk about the ways friendship and fellowship should be at the heart of classical education. Subscribe to our episode release email list to be notified when a new episode is released!

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